In the last years “Art” became a unitary concept, incorporating music, theater, and literature as well as the visual arts, and the image of the “artist” has changed radically. In the arts, as in many other fields, the professional is giving way to the entrepreneur. Consequently teaching methods and contents must change. The professional model remains the predominant one, but a new perspective must be added provided by the market and its values. Thus HEIs training future artists are committed to plan their renovation taking into consideration new teaching and learning outcomes as integral part of the professional profiles.
HEIs of all over the world are committed to enhance graduates competences and skills and increase their employability through the development of new learning and teaching methods and innovative programme design. EU Institutions are engaged also in the full application of EHEA principles.
Creative entrepreneurship is far more interactive than the model of the artist as professional, operating within a relatively small set of relationships.
This means that new competencies and skills are needed by a successful artist:
MUSAE, putting together HEIs from countries with both low and very good performance in creative economy, intends to identify effective methods and tools enabling students to perceive that the acquisition of the new skills, even thought apparently far from their subject, is fundamental for their future employment, especially if the training programmes are developed in an international and multidisciplinary context.
This is innovative in the aims, methodology and in the expected results.