Modules’ development by JAMK and DAK, supported by AP
this work package was started by gathering information from the partners, mainly the the courses they selected with the required criteria. an excel sheet was established to gather the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) for these courses during this phase many difficulties were a result of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Despite a delay caused by the difficulties mentioned above, the project is proceeding well and most of the planned activities have been conducted. It seems that all the preparatory activities of WP1 (Data Collection and Analysis) and WP2 (Training of Teachers) have been carried out. Because of the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the consortium moved online the activities that had been planned at present, such as the training addressed to the teaching staff of Partner Countries' institutions. Since lower participation was reported, it was decided to organize a second round of training in person as soon as practicable.
after the travel restrictions regarding the pandemic were disregarded, a series of Face to face meetings took place in partner countries such as:
1- in Palestine: with PPU, DAK and Bier Zeit 7-11/ 12 / 2022.