WP5 - Quality Control and Monitoring

  • Tasks

As Internal Mechanisms of quality control, implemented by the participants involved in the project's implementation, the following can be mentioned:

- approval by the local responsible of the project (SC member) of the project of institution’s half-year reports prepared by the local team;

- approval by the Steering Committee of half-yearly narrative and financial project reports, prepared by UNIVAQ, and containing the single narrative and financial reports of each PP;

- the mandatory approval of all developed methodologies by the Institutional Academic Authorities to ensure the quality and the applicability of the outputs; 

- internal evaluation surveys prepared by selected academics from the consortium universities during the local meetings.

As an important part of the quality control system, there will be an External Evaluation and Assessment. In particular, it includes:

- the evaluation of project outputs by stakeholders and artists associations;

- comments from non-consortium universities involved in project activities (both within Partner Countries and the EU), with their assessment of the quality of project outputs;

- monitoring of project activities and evaluation reports by the external expert;

- the approval of project materials and methodology by the Deans and other academics;

- an analysis of feedback from all participants to the meetings to be utilised in the evaluation of the project's quality.

  • Implementation Timeframe


  • Lead Organization


  • Deliverables/results/outcomes

Quality Control and Monitoring strategy and reports

Four evaluation reports by the independent evaluator