WP6 - Dissemination Strategy and Tools

  • Tasks

UT and SCU are responsible of the general Dissemination and Sustainability plan. It prepares the dissemination materials and tools, provides the other partners with tools and methodology. It contributes to the organisation of the local meetings and to the continuous up-dating of the project web site.

All the others partners  prepare the dissemination materials and tools, according to the agreed strategy and contribute to the organisation of the local meetings and to the continuous up-dating of the project web site.

The project web site and logo were prepared by PPU. The web site up-dating is a common task of all the PPs.


  • Implementation Timeframe


  • Lead Organization

UT (TU) and SCU (UZ)

  • Deliverables/results/outcomes

Dissemination of project aims and outputs/outcomes strategy

Awarenes arising on Creative Economy  principles and improvement of competence

Project Sustainability and preparation of Bilateral Agreements between EU and PC partners